VISITORS • Lucas Lepri Brazilian Jiu Jitsu | Lucas Lepri Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

VISITORS • Lucas Lepri Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


  • Visitor Passes include Day Passes, One Week Passes, 2 weeks passes & Monthly Passes.
  • Uniform Policy: White, Blue or Black Gi only with no other affiliation patches. (Rash guard and spandex shorts is required for both, Gi and No-Gi classes). T-shirts are not permissible.
  • No-Gi Classes visitors are required to wear black rash guard with no other affiliation patches + black shorts + spandex or compression shorts underneath black shorts. (Wearing only compression shorts is not allowed in class). T-shirts are not permissible.
  • Do not wear the same Gi for two classes in a row.
  • Visitors are welcome to stop by the academy and watch classes, no filming please.
Clique here to view All Classes Schedules


  • Bow when entering and exiting the mat.
  • Greet teammates upon entering the mat. Shake everyone hands upon entering mat.
  • Welcome all guest and visitors by introducing yourself. Treat newcomers as you would like to be treated.
  • Use respectful language and behavior, especially around minors. No curse/swear words allowed at the academy.
  • Before stepping foot on the mat, make sure to have your entire Gi on as well as a properly tightened belt.
  • Do not remove Gi tops or rash guards in the mat and lobby area.
  • Make sure you take your shoes off before entering the mat.
  • Put shoes on immediately upon exiting the mat. This holds true even if you’re just going to the bathroom.
  • Keep fingers and toenails short and trimmed.
  • Always compliment your sparring partner and shake/touch hands before and after the roll.
  • Only apply as much force as needed. Never intentionally harm anyone.
  • Be on time to class. If you happen to arrive late, wait at the entrance to the mat till the instructor says it’s okay for you to join.
  • Ask instructor’s permission to leave before exiting the mat.
  • Refrain from chatting while the instructor is talking.
  • No cell phone on the mat during class.
  • No picture or video taping the classes
  • No food or gum on the mat.
  • When the instructor assigns a task, continue doing that task until the instructor says otherwise. You can never drill a technique too many times
  • Have fun!


We’re here to help. Feel free to contact us anytime.